Sceletium – 2018 Herb of the Year

Sceletium is one of the most usable herbs for mental and emotional wellness. It has wide and profoundly efficacious application in many areas, and is a unique botanical treasure. Growing only in a small arid region of South Africa, this tiny succulent ground-cover has been used and revered by the San (Bushmen) and Khoikhoi (Hottentot) people for longer than history records.

Sceletium – 2018 Herb of the Year2024-03-22T08:30:27-04:00

Improve Cognitive Function and Beat the Blues

Do you always feel tired, stressed out, or anxious from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Overbearing boss at work have you sweating at your company meetings?

Improve Cognitive Function and Beat the Blues2024-03-29T14:08:13-04:00

Kanna, a potent mood booster

Among the many thousands of plants used medicinally around the world, about a hundred or so are mind and mood-modifying. Now, a plant from South Africa has made its way to North America, and it too promises significant mind enhancing effects.

Kanna, a potent mood booster2024-03-21T16:10:10-04:00


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